Hahaha, akhirnya lewat juga MDE ama Compre BHP IV...
Meskipun soalnya rad2...
Tapi yah untunglah lumayan bisa...
Hhh, MDE NBSS apa jadinya yah???:D
After effect of SOOCA
Hahaha, akhirnya lewat juga ujian maut ini....
Dapet case-nya stroke...(dan beda ama yg dikasih kemarin....)
Dan akhirnya, gw dapet....74 alias B+...
Gw mesti remed nih...:D
cuci mata...
Hari sabtu kmrn, gw ma ade gw yg tarkam bgt lagi ke ngopi doeloe (promosi nih...^_^) yg dkt boromeus. Setelah beberapa jam 'berkecimpung' dengan hotspot yang lemotnya minta ampun...(OMG, napa melsa jadi gini sih???)dan kepala dah cenat-cenut ga jelas, tiba2 muncullah 3 orang co dan duduk di arah jam 10 gw. Gw lirik dikit....
Sekonyong2 ada uke muncul!!!!! Hahahaha, langsung aja gw hubungi c ala dan meng-update situasi dan kondisi di sana...(udah kayak reporter aja...)
shiryuu : la, ada uke nih di dpn mata!!!!
ala : hah, masa?? MAU!!!!
shiryuu : haha, dateng aja ke sini!!!:))
ala : males....
shiryuu : la, mirip c itu loh...artis...
ala : artis??? yg mana?
shiryuu : itu, yg di greenwood!!!c tokoh utama teh saha namina???
ala : oh yg itu!!! aq juga lupa...
shiryuu : hehehe, uke bgt la...pake kaos merah ama celana pendek...
ala : hoo...
Pas gw lirik lagi, dah ilang aja tuh uke!!!! Hah, masa dah balik???? Taunya beberapa menit kemudian...Muncul lagi dia, tapi ga pake kaos merah, pake kaos putih sekarang, dan ada logo2 ga jelas (berhubung min gw dah nambah tapi belum ganti kacamata...^_^). Trus si uke itu nanya2 ke temennya yg 2-an lagi (yg satu se-uke lagi, sayang yg satu lagi kayak bapak2...:D) ttg kaos putih yang dia entah dapet darimana....
shiryuu : suaranya juga rada mirip la sama c tokoh itu...
ala : hoo, lucunya...dia dateng sendiri?
shiryuu : ga, ada temennya 2 orang. satu se-uke,yg satu lagi kayak bapak2...
ala : wah, mencurigakan...
shiryuu : apanya yg mencurigakan?
ala : ah, kayak ga tau aja...
Dan lanjutan dari obrolan tadi adalah ttg *PIIP* dan *PPIIIPPP* yg intinya kita mengkhayal yg enggak2 ttg 3 orang tadi....
Hahaha, lumayan meskipun akhirnya gw ma ade gw kudu balik jam setengah 10 gara2 koneksi yang ga kira2...(melsa, benerin atuh....dah mah pas di RL pake speedy lemot juga...:(() lumayan gw bisa cuci mata...dah lama ga liat uke nih...:D Maklum, gw kan jauh dari peradaban...
~Mana ya, uke2 yg lain.... Seme-nya juga....
Labels: everyday
OMG, akhirnya keluar juga jadwal maut SOOCA!!!!
Dan walhasil, gw dapet shift ke 9 hari pertama....
OK, lumayan sih....ga paling pertama...(klo dapet pertama gw bisa pingsan kali...:D)
Haahh....gw pengen liburan...:((
Labels: college ramblings
Reiya was trying to ignore her guilt, even though she knew that her word had hurt Minami. But, this is what should I do. I don’t care why, I don’t care how, I just don’t want to lose again, she tried to deny her consciousness.
At the same time, elsewhere…
“This is because your stupidity! Why should I be your partner?!?!” said a young man passionately. And guess who was his partner? Yup, a blue dragon with shiny scale and a pair of wings attached to it’s back. But for a dragon, well, it was little compared to any other known dragon.
“Don’t you dare complain on me! My size makes my sensor not fully functioned! Kids like you can just whining to the elders!” said the dragon.
“Oh, please Souryuu! Think about it! We have traveled all around Japan for this! How many times I’ ve made reasons to my Dad about transferring?! And now, after spending almost half of my life cost, you said that that person is here?!?! In Tokyo?!?!” he said pretty angry.
“Oh come on Minoru. The point is we’ve made sure that the place is here. Just do your job, ok?! If not, the evil will get stronger before we met Shinsei na Hito! Grow up man!” the blue dragon named Souryuu said firmly while flapping it’s wings.
“Fine! We must hurry then. I’m getting tired with all of this Guardian thing. I’ll get my rest now cause tomorrow I’ll go to the new school”, Minoru said then turned to go to his room yawning all the way.
“Get all the rest you can get, Kiddo. Cause maybe you can’t make it again later”, mumbled Souryuu.
The next day, at Tokyo Private High, Reiya was walking to her classroom when she heard a girl’s voice calling, precisely shouting, her name.
“Reiya, Hikari Reiya!!”
Reiya stopped. She heard some footsteps behind her so she turned around. Then, in front of her, a brunette girl with short hair and dark brown eyes was staring her furiously. “Oh, it’s just you”, Reiya said with an uninterested look.
“What do you mean by it’s just you!! What is it on your mind when yesterday you talked to Minami?!” the girl spat right in front of Reiya’s face. Reiya stood still indifferent.
“Ritsuko, stop it!” suddenly Minami showed up beside the brunette girl. The commotion attracted few students that passed them.
“What are you talking about Minami?! After so long we don’t know her condition, now she shows up and said that she doesn’t want to see us again! Ordinary people?!?! Who is she to say things like that?!” rambled Ritsuko.
Reiya just closed her eyes and turned to walk again to her classroom.
“Hey, where are you going! I’m not finished with you!” shouted Ritsuko.
Reiya stopped. “Sorry, I don’t have time to talk to people like you”, said Reiya without even a glance then she walked again. A few students around them murmured something like ‘What is it? A quarrel?’ and ‘I don’t know that Hikari was that arrogant’.
“You!!!” Ritsuko was trying to chase after Reiya but she was stopped by Minami who clung to her arm tightly. “Just stop it Ritsuko! I know something was wrong with her but she’s still our friend! Give her sometime, ok?!” Minami said desperately. Ritsuko, even though still fuming, just held her breath until 8 count and released a big sigh. “Fine, let’s give her some time”, she said sadly. Then the two walked back to their class.
Hahaha, gw jadi ga pernah update blog gini...
NBSS mang berbahaya...:D
Tgl 25 SOOCA!!!!
Oh no, gw ga ngerti nih...
Target SOOCA : A!!!!! (soalnya MDe agak parah...hehehehe)
Labels: college ramblings